Primary school children, especially at the end of elementary school, are directly involved in certain projects that also concern secondary school.
Organized by the AEFE network, “Ambassadeurs en herbe” offers students, from CM2 to Terminale, real speaking tournaments around current international themes. The best candidates are invited to take part in the world finals organized in Paris.
The High School Cross is a major annual meeting in the life of the establishment, where each student, from the small section of kindergarten to the final year, tries to exceed his limits on a course adapted to his age and his abilities. The Table tennis and inter-class football tournaments are also significant events in the life of the establishment.
The organization of “Grandes Lessives” , ephemeral artistic installations, where the productions of the pupils are suspended in the school like laundry in the process of drying.
Literary Character Day, during which students dress up and embody the favorite literary character, is a fun opportunity to create a real physical relationship with literature. Each student can discover a literary character close to their hearts.
Every year, Francophonie Day is an opportunity to celebrate the French language from different angles. In particular, the school hosts a “French-speaking dictation” open to all, children, adolescents, adults, French-speaking or non-French-speaking, in a playful spirit.
The Kitabu Prize is a literary prize awarded by students of French schools in the Southern and Eastern Africa zone, from kindergarten to 9th grade, in collaboration with the Alliance Française. Different selections of works are submitted to the pupils at the beginning of the year, according to their age. They are then encouraged to appropriate the works before deciding between them by a vote, like a literary jury. A meeting is also organized with one of the authors. Throughout the year, the educational work around the Kitabu Prize thus invites students to cultivate their taste for reading, forge their own literary judgment and defend it through argument.