Registration formalities

We welcome new students at the beginning of the school year (September) and throughout the year.

Registration for 2024-2025 is now open!

Steps to registration


Important information

  • Tuition : Tuition fees are paid by families as described on the website. The conditions are described in the following document: « Financial regulations ».
  • Canteen : School meals are compulsory for primary school pupils over 3 long days: Monday-Tuesday-Thursday. See also the “School meals” page for more details.
  • Immigration : It is the parents’ responsibility to be in good standing with the Kenyan immigration authorities. A certificate of enrolment and a letter from the institution may be provided for the file.
  • Communication: Information relating to the life of the school will be regularly distributed electronically (to the e-mail address provided by the parents at the time of enrolment or renewal).
  • School insurance:  The school is insured by Gras Savoye and for medical transport. The membership fee is included in the school fees.

Admission procedures

Subject to availability of places, the procedure is differentiated according to 2 cases linked to the schooling modalities at the Lycée Français Denis Diderot.

  • Case 1: Pupil enrolled in a public or public school under contract in France or in a French school abroad which is a member of the AEFE network during the previous school year or the current school year, and who has not had an interruption in his/her education:
        • The pupil will be admitted to the class which appears on the decision of orientation mentioned on the termly / semesterly report card or on the dialogue form of this establishment, for entry into 2nde, 1ère and Terminale.
        • Admission of these pupils will be given priority, but will always be subject to availability of places.
  • Case 2: Pupils who attended a school not approved by the French Ministry of Education during the previous or current school year, or who have had an interruption of 3 months or more in the approved school in AEFE network:
        • A placement test will be carried out to determine the student’s ability to fit into the required level.