French as a Foreign Language (FLE)

In its wish to answer the needs of the pupils who do not fully master the French language, the French School has created two support programs in French.

French as a Foreign Language and Schooling

This program is aimed at pupils who already have some knowledge of French; but who may need some language support in order to improve their oral and/or written skills.
This program has been created in 2015; it is run by teachers specialized in teaching French as a foreign language.

In the past seven years, more than 600 pupils have had the opportunity to benefit from this support program.

The pupils are enrolled in the program for 3 hours weekly. The sessions take place during school hours and normally happen during English and Swahili lessons as most of our non-French speakers are English speakers. However, they can make up for the English lesson as some subjects are taught in English during the normal class session. They are benefiting from the best teaching conditions possible as they are in small groups (maximum of 6 pupils). The FleSCo teacher adapts her teaching to the individual needs of the pupils. These language’s sessions, allow them to reinforce their communication skills. This program runs from CP to Sixième and has no duration limit as it caters for the needs of the students as they progress in their learning.

Regular meetings with the class teachers are organized in order to tailor the teaching contents, and to allow a connection to be made between the language used in class and the topics they work on during the support sessions.
The specialized teacher is in charge of assessing the students’ progress and needs in French as the language of education.

Pupils can benefit from this support program as long as they need.

UPE2A - Pedagogic Unit for Arriving Allophone Pupil

It is aimed at pupils who do not know or know very little French; often, pupils of non- francophone backgrounds, or who have not learned French in their families. This program allows the school to offer an intensive support, when it comes to learning French.

This program was created in 2016 in order to answer the growing demand of registrations from families and pupils who do not master the French language. This intensive program for learning French as a foreign language, allows the pupils to possess the necessary tools to fully integrate in their class, and in the school in general.

Pupils taking part in this intensive program can stay in the program for up a complete school year or more if needed. However, as soon as they are ready, they can reintegrate their level’s class on a full time basis, and they can then join the other language support program (FleSCo) presented earlier in this document.

The class is made of children of various ages (between 5 and 9), and of different levels (GS to CE2-). In order to allow a personalized approach to teaching, the number of pupils in the class is limited to twelve.

  • GS/CP-5 to 6 years old, are following most of the core teachings of basic primary skills (reading, mathematics…) in their form class. In the UPE2A, the focus is on the French language (syntax structures, vocabulary, oral comprehension and production) This age group is considered as non-readers; they are approximately 10 hours per week with the specialized teacher and 14 hours in their class. Although this is subject to change, as we evolve in the school year, and depending on the number of students who need the support.
  • CE1/CE2- 7 to 10, are covering some of the basics of the primary school skills in the UPE2A class with of course, a special focus on the French language (speaking, listening, reading and writing). This age group is considered as readers, they spend 10 hours a week with the specialized teacher, and 14hours in their class.

The teacher will also offer support and observation in class, whenever these actions prove relevant.

Monitoring Progress and Success in FLE-FLSCO and UPE2A The teachers monitor the pupil’s progress on a regular basis, in consultation with the referent teachers. Several meetings per year are organized with parents on a Term basis. Specialized teachers remain available at any time of the year, to meet with family upon request or when needed to discuss pupil’s individual progress.

Students are offered the possibility to certify their level in French, thanks to the DELF PRIM examinations organized by the Alliance Française (paying exam3); and which take place towards the end of the school year within our premises at the LFIDD. Two levels of French are offered for the primary school (Level A1 & A2 of the CEFR4)


3 For up to date fees, you can consult :
4 The Common European Framework of References for Languages

In order to best support your child on his journey to success at school, you will find here-below a list of various tools that could help you support him in is French language acquisition.

You could either :

  • Register him at the Alliance Française Multimedia Library ( thus enabling an online access to CULTURETHEQUE6)
  • Register him for French Fun Classes at Alliance Française (Saturday mornings)
  • Offer him access to IT tools (tablet, computer, laptop, smartphone…)
  • Offer him access to audio books, French videos
  • Get the help of a French tutor at home


6 Culturethèque, your new e-library, offers you a thousand of documents, 24/7 access. From any computer, tablet or Smartphone, access your favorite magazines as they hit the newsstands. View concerts and shows, listen to lectures, introduce children to French language, read eBooks and comics, and enhance your language skills with materials tailored to your needs.