The Board of Directors is the managing body of the Lycée Denis Diderot ( Non Profit Company ).
Its function is to provide the human, material and financial resources to the establishment in order to enable its proper functioning.
He participates in its organization in close collaboration with the head of the establishment and the establishment council, in accordance with their respective attributions.
The Board of Directors is made up of 9 to 12 volunteer parents of students elected at the general assembly of parents. A director is elected for a term of two years, renewable once consecutively.
The Board of Directors is made up of an office which includes a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary and a Treasurer, elected from among the directors during the meeting to take office.
An administrative assistant to the Board of Directors ensures the essential follow-up of the files which fall within the specific competences of the CA, provides the secretariat for the CAs and the GAs and facilitates communication between the CA and the parents.
Finally, 2 volunteer parents accompany the CA in its function of controlling the establishment.
The administrators work within committees to provide advice or suggestions on technical issues.
The entire Board of Directors meets once a month with representatives of the administration (Principal, Directors of the primary school, DAF/Manager) and three elected staff representatives (Administration, Primary, Secondary) in order to review capital projects, work in progress and control the school’s cash flow.
The Board of Directors is responsible to the parents of pupils whom it informs at least twice a year of the decisions taken.
Like the representatives of the administration and staff, the Cultural Advisor to the French Embassy is a member of the Board of Directors by right; they all have an advisory vote.