The College Life Council

The French school system is internationally recognized for its academic qualities.

In establishments that include second-cycle education, a college life council and a council of delegates for high school life have been set up.

Privileged places of listening and exchanges between pupils and adults of the educational community, these are the bodies where all the concrete questions relating to the living conditions in the establishment are debated.

The college life council formulates proposals:

  • on questions relating to the general principles of the organization of schooling, the organization of schooling, the organization of school time, the development of the school plan and internal regulations, as well as on questions relating to equipment, catering and boarding school;

  • on the methods of organizing personal work and support for students as well as on linguistic and cultural exchanges in partnership with foreign educational establishments

  • on actions aimed at improving student well-being and the school climate and promoting participatory practices

  • on the implementation of the educational pathways set up at the college

  • on the training of student representatives

The college life council is made up of student representatives, at least two staff representatives, including one teaching staff, and at least one student parent representative.

It is chaired by the head of the establishment.

The establishment council deliberates on its composition, the procedures for electing or appointing its members, the procedures for its operation and the conditions under which its proposals are presented to it.

The members of the college life council are elected or appointed no later than the end of the calendar year following the start of the school year.

The college life council of the Lycée Denis Diderot could be made up of one student from each class, i.e. two students per level, or 8 students in total.

Each class could appoint its representative, whether or not he already has the mandate of delegate. In the event of multiple candidacies within the same class, a vote would then be taken.

The student members of the school life council will designate a vice-president from among their number, who may be invited to meetings of the school life council.

Similarly, the vice-president of the school life council may be invited to meetings of the school life council.

The staff of the establishment will be represented by the Principal Education Advisor on the one hand and on the other hand by a teacher for whose designation a communication will be initiated in order to determine a volunteer.

Similarly, a communication to the families should make it possible to collect the application of at least one parent of the pupil.