The French school system is internationally recognized for its academic qualities.
The Governing Board is the most important decision-making body in the school for all educational matters. It is obligatorily consulted for the organization of lessons, the school map (for expatriate and resident teachers), the school calendar, the internal regulations, outings and school trips.
It meets at least three times a year.
Its composition is threefold:
- 5 representatives of the Administration :
- Counselor for cooperation and cultural action
- Principal
- Primary Director
- Administrative and financial director
- Senior Education Advisor
- 5 staff representatives
- 2 secondary school teachers
- 2 primary school teachers
- 1 non-teaching staff
- 5 user representatives
- 1 elementary parent
- 2 high school parents
- 2 high school students
Also sitting in an advisory capacity:
- The Consul of France or his representative
- Consular Advisors
- Delegates to the Assembly of French Citizens Abroad
- 2 local personalities (chosen on the proposal of the head of the establishment)
- 2 representatives of the Board of Directors of the Parents’ Association
- The Vice-president of the Council of High School Life
- Farah Bhanji
- Cecile Molle
- Christine COVILLE